Vice President Kamala Harris has been an advocate for marijuana reform. This change is reflecting a shift in public and political attitudes towards weed and pot. Her support for marijuana legalization and decriminalization has been a notable aspect of her political career. Her stance has been evolving for awhile now. It is somewhat ironic, that a prosecutor who prosecuted people for drugs now wants to change the laws.

Harris’s journey with marijuana change began during her job as the Attorney General of California. She made headlines in 2010 for her work on the issue.  Notably supporting Proposition 19, which aimed to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Although the proposition did not pass, Harris’s support marked her commitment to addressing the legalization of marijuana.

As a U.S. Senator, Harris continued to champion marijuana reform. In 2018, she co-sponsored the Marijuana Justice Act. So this was a bill that sought to decriminalize pot at the federal level. Also expunge prior convictions, and address racial disparities in drug enforcement. Her legislative efforts underscored her belief in correcting the injustices she attributed to the war on drugs.  But also reducing the systemic inequalities disproportionately affecting marginalized communities.

Kamala Harris Support For Marijuana Reform

Kamala Harris support For Marijuana Reform

As Vice President, What Has Kamala Harris Support For Marijuana Reform Been Done ?

Harris’s support extends to the Biden-Harris administration’s broader stance on drug policy. The administration has expressed a commitment to reforming federal marijuana laws, including supporting the MORE Act.  Which aims to legalize pot and provide economic relief to communities affected by past drug policies. This alignment with Harris’s previous efforts underscores a significant shift towards more progressive drug policies at the federal level. As you remember, Federal Law prohibits marijuana sales. In fact, banking laws refuse to allow marijuana dispensaries to use credit cards. However, after 4 years in office, Harris has not made any changes regarding credit card acceptance.


In her role as Vice President of The United States, Kamala Harris continues to influence the dialogue on marijuana reform. She is advocating for policies that address both the legal status of cannabis and the social justice implications of drug enforcement. Maybe if she becomes President of the United States, she can do something about the archaic drug laws in the United States.